Mass Migration Into the Global North. (2019)

Mass Migration Into the Global North. (2019) 520p.

Mass migration across the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, and through Mexico has created a growing discontent in the targeted countries. The UN Global Compact on Migration comes as popular opposition is emerging as the majority opinion across the Western world. The rise of the Visegrad Group, the Yellow Vests and Brexit has taken place as mass migration has shattered the European Union. Essentially all groups opposing mass migration are nationalists, supporters of the idea of national sovereignty arising from the will of the majority. At the same time, Antifa and Maoist movements have been created to combat the return of nationalism in the West. The Global Compact on Migration promises hundreds of millions of migrants, and possibly billions of migrants, into the Christian countries and the transformation of all the targeted societies in what UN documents call “population replacement”. (Al-Qaeda & Jihadi Movements Worldwide (AQJM) is a subset of Middle East Abstracts & Index (MAI). MAI Vol. 43F; AQJM Vol. 119.)

(PB): One volume: $450.
(PDF): $195.
