Regional Intifadah or Color Revolutions? (2011)

Regional Intifadah or Color Revolutions? (2011) 497 pages.

Documentation and analysis of the Arab Spring social and political revolutions across the Arab world, focusing on Egypt, and including Tunisia, Syria, Bahrain,Yemen. Includes detailed coverage of Egyptian human rights and civil society NGOs, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood from its own documents. An annotated bibliography including analytical essay, abstracts and documents. (Al-Qaeda & Jihadi Movements Worldwide (AQJM) is a subset of Middle East Abstracts & Index (MAI). MAI Vols. 35E5; AQJM Vol. 53.)

ISBN (PB): 978-1-945155-30-7. One volume: $225.
ISBN (PDF): 978-1-945155-31-4. $195.
